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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media: 03 January 2018

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Home Office sign

Today’s Home Office coverage of interest includes stories on airline immigration controls and an individual visa case.

Airline immigration controls

The TimesTelegraph and Mirror are among the publications that cover a Home Office consultation on a new civil penalty regime to minimise the risk of travellers being “misdirected” on arrival to Britain.

According to Government figures, 1,000 travellers a year bypass Border Force officers as a result of errors by either the airline or airport.

In November last year, the Home Office launched a consultation which is considering fining airlines and airports up to £50,000 if they allow passengers to bypass immigration controls.

The Airport Operators Association is quoted in the papers, claiming this proposal is “disproportionate”.

The Home Office’s response to this story can be found below.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

The security of our border is paramount — which is why 100 per cent of scheduled passengers are checked when arriving in the UK.

While the overwhelming majority of arriving passengers are properly presented at border control, there are still a small but unacceptable number of cases each year where passengers are misdirected. These people are identified and the necessary checks carried out but this adds an unnecessary administrative burden.

We are determined to eradicate these errors and believe a civil penalty is a vital tool in ensuring this happens. We welcome the views of airlines and airport operators on this consultation as we continue to work with them on all areas of security.

Visa case of James Geale

The Times reports on the visa case of James Geale, an Australian man who claims he’s facing deportation before his wedding to a British woman.

According to The Times, James Geale has lived here legally for 10 years on an ancestry visa, but missed the deadline with his application for a new visa. The Home Office is aware of this case and has advised media that the individual is free to apply for an administrative review of the decision.

The Home Office’s response to this story can be found below.

Home Office spokesperson said: 

"Mr Geale's application was refused as he failed to submit his application within the advised timeframe.”

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