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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the Media: 19 July 2018

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Home Office in the media

Today’s Home Office in the media stories include a report from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) into the police response to hate crime and the sentencing of the leader of the far-right group, National Action. 

Police response to hate crime

Broadcast bulletins on Sky News, BBC Breakfast, the Today programme, and print titles including the Times, Guardian and Mail all report on the HMICFRS report published today, which has found that thousands of racially or religiously aggravated crimes recorded by police are not being flagged as hate crimes. The report warns that incorrect flagging of such offences undermines the integrity of official figures hate crime figures and that victims face a “postcode lottery” in how they are treated.

The Guardian and the Mail report that HMICFRS has warned that there is a “real possibility” that Britain’s exit from the EU will cause an increase in hate crimes.

The Guardian piece also carries a statement from the National Police Chiefs Council saying that the report will help police improve address inconsistencies around the country.

Minister for Countering Extremism, Baroness Williams said:

The Government is clear that all hate crimes are unacceptable and we will do all we can to stamp out vile abuse and ensure victims get the support they need.

We are pleased Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services has noted the hard work undertaken to raise awareness of hate crime and that there are many examples of good practice within the police, which we expect others forces to learn from with support from the police leadership.

Last month the Home Secretary announced funding for specialist training for call handlers so they can support hate crime victims from the moment they report an incident and later this year we will publish the refreshed Hate Crime Action Plan, which will set out further ways to tackle these crimes.


National Action Sentencing

The TelegraphIndependentMail, Express, Sun, Daily Star and Metro report on the case of Christopher Lythgoe, the leader of National Action - the first extreme right wing group to be proscribed since the Second World War - who has been jailed for eight years for planning a “race war”.

All publications report that National Action was outlawed in December 2016 after the Neo-Nazi group endorsed the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox and that Lythgoe was jailed for membership of it.

Coverage reports that Lythgoe was also accused of giving permission to Jack Renshaw to carry out an attempted murder on another Labour MP in Warrington, Rosie Cooper.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid said:

The extreme far-right has absolutely no place in Britain and I am glad these vile extremists are behind bars where they belong.

National Action is a racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic and homophobic organisation which stirs up hatred and promotes violence. We proscribed in 2016 when it crossed the line from extremism in to terrorism.

The Government is determined to combat terrorism of all kinds - and our counter-terrorism and extremism strategies tackle the scourge of the far right head-on.

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