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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media: Thursday 31 October

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Home Office in the media

Today's main story is on the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry.

Grenfell inquiry

There is widespread coverage of the Grenfell Inquiry Phase 1 report, with all papers reporting on the London Fire Brigade's actions and findings that that the number of deaths could have been lower if the building had been evacuated earlier.

The coverage quotes the Prime Minister from the House of Commons yesterday where he vowed that "justice will be done" and the victims will not be forgotten, promising that he would not let the "lessons of this tragedy fall through the cracks."

Much of the coverage focuses on a press conference held by a group of eight bereaved relatives and survivors following publication of the report. The group have accused the London Fire Brigade of trying to avoid any blame for the deaths of 72 people in the disaster.

Some reports add that Sir Martin Moore-Bick's conclusion that the refurbishment of the tower with combustible cladding broke building regulations has built on the determination of survivors “to see criminal charges brought against those responsible for turning our homes into a death trap".

A Government spokesperson said:

The Grenfell Tower fire was an appalling tragedy that destroyed lives – we must now bring about meaningful change to ensure this never happens again.

We set up the independent Inquiry to get to the truth of what happened, learn lessons and deliver justice for victims, survivors, bereaved families and the wider community.

Today’s report marks an important moment. We accept in full the principle of the Inquiry’s findings and recommendations, and will be working urgently to take these forward.


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