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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Secretary: op-ed on protests

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The Home Secretary has written in the Telegraph about policing the ongoing protests concerning the death of George Floyd.

Like everyone who read it or watched the new coverage, I was sickened at George Floyd's death.

His treatment at the hands of US police was appalling and speaks to the sense of injustice experienced by minority communities around the world.

I know that it is this sense of injustice that has driven people to take to the UK's streets to protest.

This government understands the importance of the right to protest. In normal circumstances, a large (and largely peaceful) protest of this kind would not be of concern to the authorities.

But these are not normal times. To protect us all, and to stop the spread of coronavirus, any large gatherings of people are unlawful.

The severe public health risk forces me to continue to urge the public not to attend further protests.

To add to this, some protestors regrettably turned violent and abusive this weekend. These scenes of lawlessness are completely unacceptable.

The police have our full support in tackling any violence, vandalism or disorderly behaviour.

There is no excuse for throwing bikes at police horses and attacking officers. I'm sure that many of those who protested peacefully will feel just as angry and frustrated by this thuggish behaviour, which does nothing but undermine their cause.

This violence led to 14 officers being injured - two seriously. One officer was taken to hospital and underwent surgery.

Serious injuries have been inflicted upon our police by a violent and thuggish minority. Arrests have been made and justice will follow. I wish every officer a speedy recovery.

Let me be clear - anyone who assaults police officers will face the full force of the law.

When I became Home Secretary, I said I back the police. That remains just as true today.

They are the best of us. They run towards danger, not away from it.

Throughout this crisis they have put themselves in danger to uphold the rule of law and protect the NHS and save lives.

They have displayed extreme patience and professionalism throughout.

UK policing is very different to police in the US. Our proud tradition of policing by consent means that officers are held to the highest standards of integrity.

No system is perfect, but ours is the envy of the world because officers work with communities, not against them.

But we must remember that our communities are still within the grip of a of a public health emergency that has cost the lives of over 40,000 people an put extraordinary strain on the NHS.

Those protesting in flagrant breach of the rules are risking further lives - not just their own, but their families, friends and those in their communities.

Remember, even if you consider yourself a fit young person, the family you could bring coronavirus home to may not be.

We know that the virus will affect them more than you - which is why we must be selfless. I urge protestors to follow the rules like everyone else. It is only fair.

We have made specific enforcement powers available to the police during the pandemic to help protect the public, and they will continue to use them where appropriate.

Unfortunately, because of Covid, protestors cannot gather in large groups and must find another way to express their strength of feeling at the present time. Otherwise they risk undoing the progress we have made together to defeat this terrible virus.

Priti Patel, Home Secretary


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