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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Breaking news: Home Secretary letter to David Anderson QC on terror reviews

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Metropolitan Police

The Home Secretary has today written to David Anderson QC after he agreed to provide independent assurance of the internal reviews by MI5 and the police into the recent terror attacks in London and Manchester.

The Home Secretary's letter, which is in full below, sets out the terms of reference for his role giving independent assurance of the internal reviews


Dear David,


Four terrorist attacks have occurred in the UK between March and June 2017, in Westminster, Manchester, London Bridge and Finsbury Park. As is usual practice after any major incident, MI5 and the National Counter Terrorism Police Headquarters have already launched internal reviews that will, among other things:


  • consider what was known about the attackers and any alleged co-conspirators
    prior to the attacks taking place;
  • review assessments and decisions made prior to the attacks taking place, in relation to that intelligence; and
  • identify whether the processes and systems that supported those decisions (including for example the management of closed subjects of interest – former subjects of interest in terrorism investigations) are appropriate to the evolving threat, and how they can be improved.


Thank you for agreeing to provide independent assurance of these internal reviews, to give me and the rest of the National Security Council confidence that all the relevant questions in relation to what was known and done before the attacks have been addressed, and the appropriate conclusions drawn.


You will be given access to the police and MI5 reviews and any further relevant information you wish to see. You will be able to discuss the material with the agencies involved and ask for follow up information.


You should complete your assessment of the police and MI5 reviews by the end of October and provide a summary of your conclusions to me, copied to the Prime Minister and the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament.


You may also provide a version of your conclusions for public use, which will be published subject to discussions with the relevant information owners and consent of  the respective coroners conducting the inquests. This is to ensure that nothing in the public facing document could prejudice national security or the inquests.


Thank you for agreeing to undertake this work.


Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP

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