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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media: 10 August

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Metropolitan Police
Metropolitan Police stock.

News relevant to the Home Office today includes coverage of the Home Secretary's opinion piece in the Sun regarding Prevent, and the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) briefing on the same subject. There is also further coverage of the Home Secretary's message on stop-and-search in yesterday's Times newspaper. 

Prevent strategy

Writing in the Sun newspaper today, the Home Secretary praises communities across the country who are engaging with the Prevent programme, as well as rebutting some of the false claims used to try and undermine it. She argues that safeguarding young people from becoming radicalised is "difficult but vital work". You can read her op-ed here.


The paper, along with the Mail, Guardian and Times, also runs reports on the NPCC's briefing on Prevent. The Guardian and Times quote Simon Cole, the NPCC lead on Prevent, suggesting there might be "some categories" where Prevent is mandatory such as returnee fighters from Syria.

Stop and Search

The Guardian, Telegraph, Mail, Express and Mirror follow up on the Home Secretary's opinion piece in the Times on Wednesday regarding stop-and-search.

The Guardian says that the Home Secretary echoes Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick on showing support for police officers using targeted stop-and-search to tackle knife crime and acid attacks.

The Mirror, Mail and Express all suggest that the Home Secretary's message reflects a change in government tone on stop-and-search. The Telegraph coverage including a comment piece by former Metropolitan Police officer Rory Geoghegan who says stop and search "gets results" and praises the Home Secretary's stance.

The Home Secretary's op-ed can be found here.

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