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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media: 15 March 2018

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Home Office in the media

Today’s Home Office-relate coverage includes the ongoing investigation in Salisbury, the individual case of Albert Thompson and Britain First pages on Facebook.

Salisbury incident

There is widespread coverage in the papers following the Prime Minister’s update to MPs in the House of Commons on the Salisbury incident. She announced a range of measures in response to the poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

The papers lead with the announcement to expel 23 Russian diplomats and further speculate on the response from Russia. The broadcasters this morning note support from the White House on the issue.

The papers also note that no Ministers or members of the Royal Family will travel to the World Cup in Russia.

Immigration case of Albert Thompson

The Guardian reports on the case of a man who has lived in the UK for 44 years but is being asked to pay £54,000 for cancer treatment after he was unable to provide sufficient evidence of his residency. The Guardian notes the Labour Leader raised the case of the individual - who is using the pseudonym Albert Thompson  - at PMQs.

For reference, the Home Office position is outlined below.  If journalists need further guidance on the case, please do contact the press office.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

We value the contribution made by Commonwealth citizens who have made a life in the UK.

Those who have lived in the UK for an extended period but feel they may not have the correct documentation confirming their leave to remain should take legal advice and submit the appropriate application with correct documentation so we can progress the case.

We contacted Mr Thompson’s legal representatives in December to explain how he can regularise his status in the UK, but have not yet received an application.

When the Home Office is made aware of cases of this nature, we will make sure the applications are dealt with in a sensitive way.

Facebook takes down Britain First pages

The Mail, Independent, City AM, Telegraph and Times report on the decision by Facebook to remove the page owned by the far-right group Britain First, as well as its leader Paul Golding and deputy leader Jayda Fransen. The Mail reports that a Facebook spokesperson said that content posted on the pages had “repeatedly broken our Community Standards” and that the page administrators had been given a written final warning, but continued to post content that “violates our standards.”

If journalists need further information on our action to tackle extremism and hate crimes, please do contact the press office.

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