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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media blog: 07 June 2018

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Home Office in the media

Today’s Home Office media stories include the UK’s efforts to tackle violent crime and the new counter-terrorism and Border Security Bill.

Violent crime

There is more prominent coverage of the UK’s efforts to tackle violent crime. The Express and Sun splash on a 100-year-old widow who survived died nine days after she was mugged while on her way to church on Derby.

The Mail also splashes on a series of violent incidents over the last few days, and figures showing  that while police recorded violent crime continues to rise, fewer cases are being solved. It carries comments from Labour MP Louise Haigh, who said police have reached a tipping point due to police cuts.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

“We want offenders charged and brought to justice in the courts - and its the responsibility of Chief Constables, Police and Crime Commissioners and the Crown Prosecution Service to do this.

“We recognise though that crime is changing and this presents new challenges to the police. This recognition has been reflected in the most recent police funding settlement."

The Times says that more than 60 moped muggings were carried out every day on average in the past year. It says the Met Police received 22,025 crime reports linked to scooters, mopeds and motorcycles in the 12 months to May - a 50 per cent increase compared with the same period a year earlier.

Nick Hurd, Minister for Policing and the Fire Service said:

“The Metropolitan Police is working hard to tackle moped crime, which has been falling virtually month-on-month in the capital since its peak in July last year.

“We are determined to support the police in their fight against crime and that is why we are consulting to change the law to give officers greater confidence to chase suspects on the roads.”

Counter-terrorism and Border Security Bill

There is coverage of the introduction of the Counter-terrorism and Border Security Bill. The Times reports that people convicted of less serious terrorist offences face longer sentences and years of monitoring by the authorities after they are released.

The paper says that under Home Office proposals aimed at tightening the oversight of terrorist offenders, many are likely to be subject to greater monitoring by the authorities. They will also have to provide the authorities with more details about their personal lives, including bank accounts, telephone numbers and vehicles to which they have access.

Security Minister, Ben Wallace said:

“This Bill will ensure that the police, Security Service, prosecutors and the judiciary have the powers they need to tackle the evolving threat posed to the UK by terrorism and hostile state activity, in order to keep the public safe and to protect our National Security.”

The Mail and Standard report on new powers to target hostile state activity. The Mail says police and immigration officials are to be given the power to stop and detain suspected spies at UK airports. It reports the measures are in response to the Skripal poisonings in March and says the crackdown will give powers similar to those used against suspected terrorists.

Home Secretary, Sajid Javid said:

“We judge that it was highly likely that the Russian state carried out the appalling attack in Salisbury which demonstrates why the police need robust powers to investigate, identify and challenge those acting against our interests.

“This is a necessary and proportionate response to the threat and will, of course, be subject to strict safeguards and robust oversight to assure its proper use.”

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