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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Ten reasons why the future immigration system supports business

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Home Office in the media

There are a number of articles in print and online quoting the CBI, who claim that the future immigration system risks “causing significant harm at a time of uncertainty for business”.

The White Paper’s proposals could not be clearer. Here is our statement on how the new skills-based immigration system, operating from 2021, will support businesses and protect jobs as we leave the EU and end free movement.

Home Office spokesperson said:

We are confident the future immigration system will support businesses, for example, by removing the caps on the number of work visas, reducing the skills threshold, abolishing outdated labour market tests and bringing in a new digital sponsorship system to cut processing times.

We are engaging with businesses on the £30,000 salary threshold but in any event, there is likely to be a lower rate for occupations that the independent Migration Advisory Committee indicates are in shortage.  

Businesses should also be training up workers in the UK to fill their vacancies, but we recognise they need time to adjust to the new system. This is why there will be a temporary short-term workers’ route for employers to bring in workers at all skill levels for 12 months, subject to tightly defined conditions.

Ten reasons why the future immigration system will support businesses and protect jobs

  • A single, swift and fair immigration system
    • Businesses can hire talent from anywhere in the world through one single, skills-based system
  • No cap on the number of skilled workers who can come to the UK
    • Removing quotas will remove barriers for businesses who need overseas talent
  • A wider skills threshold for the first time
    • This means anyone with the equivalent of A levels will be eligible under the new system
  • Abolition of the resident labour market test for high skilled workers
    • Following the independent MAC’s recommendations, we will cut this outdated test to streamline the process
  • An all-digital sponsorship system reducing the burden on businesses
    • A quicker, easier, simpler system intended to reduce the time taken to bring overseas workers in to as little as 2-3 weeks
  • A transitional temporary work route allowing workers from low risk countries to come for a year and work at any skill level
    • Designed to help firms adjust and to protect the UK economy
  • Increased periods of time for international students to remain in the UK at the completion of their studies
    • This will give them more time to look for graduate roles
  • Shortage Occupation Lists for roles where workers are in short supply
    • When the independent MAC indicates there is a shortage in a particular sector, the salary threshold can be lowered
  • Greater flexibility for international students to move into the UK workforce
    • Longer time periods and more support will mean we retain the brightest minds from our world class universities
  • EU and other visitors will able to use e-gates at UK ports and airports
    • Fast access for business visitors from countries including the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea


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