Home Office in the media: 10 November 2017

Today’s Home Office coverage includes Prevent and Channel statistics, drug seizures a people smuggling case and a new Home Office Minister.
Today’s Home Office coverage includes Prevent and Channel statistics, drug seizures a people smuggling case and a new Home Office Minister.
...to building on the meaningful, positive change this Government has already brought about, from driving the global fight against modern slavery, to taking dangerous weapons off our streets and protecting...
Today's Home Office-related media coverage focuses on a report on police efficiency.
...2012 to March 2015. This is the first time such data has been made public with the figures showing how many people have been referred to Prevent and what type...
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes further information on settled status for EU citizens post-Brexit.
...I sat down with the final two forces, Merseyside and Greater Manchester Police. Naturally, I have spent time with PCCs and Chief Constables, but whenever I visit a police force...
Today's Home Office-related stories include protests outside family planning clinics and so-called "honour-based" crimes. Family planning clinic protests BBC Online, the Telegraph and Independent report that a survey of 101...
Today’s Home Office-related business relates to the Home Secretary’s upcoming trip to Washington to discuss efforts to tackle online child sexual exploitation.
...CT and online CSE – following on from her August trip to California, during which she met with tech firms in Silicon Valley to discuss concerns about terrorist content online....
...that among the absconders are 750 foreign offenders who should be presenting themselves regularly at Home Office centres or police stations. The Telegraph takes a similar angle, and adds that...