Home Office in the media: 18 August 2017

News relevant to the Home Office today includes extensive coverage of the terrorist attacks in Spain and follow-up reports on immigration policy after Brexit. Terrorist attacks in Spain There is...
News relevant to the Home Office today includes extensive coverage of the terrorist attacks in Spain and follow-up reports on immigration policy after Brexit. Terrorist attacks in Spain There is...
...in March 2019 when we leave the EU. We will set out our plans for the future immigration system in relation to the EU in due course and this will...
...were caught by Border Force officers at Coquelles in Northern France attempting to enter the UK with stowaways. Statements from Immigration Enforcement and Border Force are below, and a press...
...to conceal the five women, four men and three children behind tyres in a van. A statement Immigration Enforcement's Criminal and Financial Investigations team is below. Assistant Director of Immigration...
News relevant to the Home Office today includes coverage of the four-week consultation on replacing landing cards and the future of the European Arrest Warrant. Landing cards consultation The Times has published a front page story about the Home Office …
The juxtaposed controls The UK operates border controls in France and Belgium. This allows Border Force officers to check passengers and freight destined for the UK before they begin their journey. These ‘juxtaposed controls’ are in place at Calais and …