Home Office in the media: Monday 21 October

Today's leading stories include the announcement of a strategy to tackle criminal drone use, and concerns from the National Farmers' Union over the availability of fruit and vegetable pickers.
Today's leading stories include the announcement of a strategy to tackle criminal drone use, and concerns from the National Farmers' Union over the availability of fruit and vegetable pickers.
Today's leading stories include reports into police abuse of power and the failings of Cleveland Police, as well as the investigation into drone incidents at Gatwick Airport. Police abuse of power There is widespread coverage of the HMICFRS report into …
Today's Home Office stories include the Home Secretary’s decision to strip Shamima Begum of her British citizenship, new drone legislation, and Special Grant funding for Grenfell Tower. Begum stripped of British citizenship There is widespread prominent coverage of the Home …
Today’s Home Office stories include coverage of the Government's response to the drone threat, an increase in money laundering and the North East coast being targeted by people traffickers.
Today’s Home Office stories include drones disrupting flights at Heathrow airport, and a report that suggests regional counts of migrants could be out by thousands. Drones at Heathrow The front page of the Times and CityAM report on the drone sightings …