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Home Office in the media

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Home Office in the media: Monday 14 October

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Home Office sign

Today's leading stories include reports on the future immigration system, modern slavery and county lines.

Future immigration system

The Times reports that migrants seeking to come to the UK after Brexit will be given extra points if they agree to take skilled jobs in northern England and coastal towns.

According to the article, the Home Secretary is considering preferential treatment for those willing to live and work in less prosperous areas outside London and the southeast.

The article also notes that foreign citizens who are deported after committing an offence then illegally return to Britain will face longer jail terms if caught, under one of several measures aimed to place law and order at the centre of the Government’s plans.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

As the Prime Minister has said, he wants our immigration system to help attract the brightest and best talent from around the world.

The Home Secretary has commissioned the independent Migration Advisory Committee to consider a new points-based immigration system for introduction in 2021 built around the skills and talent people have – not where they are from.

The MAC are also considering how future salary thresholds should be calculated, the levels of salary thresholds, whether there is a case for regional salary thresholds, and exemptions.

We expect them to report back by January 2020 and we will consider carefully their recommendations before making any decisions.

Modern Slavery and county lines

The Independent reports that a number of British people identified as victims of modern slavery has surged by 72 per cent in a year, according to analysis by the newspaper, fuelling concerns about county lines drugs gangs and other forms of labour exploitation.

The article notes that the Salvation Army said it has seen a 58 per cent rise in British nationals entering its service in the last year. It highlights that the findings fuel concerns that rough sleepers are being coerced into exploitative situations.

In a separate article on county lines, the Star notes that according to the UK’s biggest children’s charity Barnardo’s, county lines gangs are now targeting middle class children as young as nine with no criminal records to be drugs mules.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

Modern slavery and human trafficking are barbaric crimes and we remain committed to stamping it out and supporting victims.

More potential victims are being identified and protected due to greater awareness and improved understanding of modern slavery.

Our recent significant reforms to the National Referral Mechanism, such as the introduction of new Single Competent Authority and the launch of a digital referral form, ensure we get victims into the support they need more quickly.



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