Home Office in the media: Friday 10 January

Today's top stories includes coverage of a county lines report by HMICFRS and a report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse into sex offenders.
Today's top stories includes coverage of a county lines report by HMICFRS and a report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse into sex offenders.
Today's top stories include the sentencing of a serial rapist, calls for an overhaul of police forces, car crime figures and child sexual abuse images. Serial rapist The sentencing of Reynhard Sinaga, who may have preyed on almost 200 young …
Today's leading stories include a review into all forms of serious and organised crime, and a small boat incident. Serious organised crime review There is coverage in the Express, Telegraph and Times of the Home Secretary unveiling a wide-ranging review …
Today's leading stories include reports on the future immigration system, modern slavery and county lines.
Today's leading stories include reports on Operation Midland, county lines and the resignation of a member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
Today's leading stories include drug misuse statistics, the recording of rape crimes, figures on football-related arrests, and a report into County Lines gangs. Drug statistics Widespread coverage is given to yesterday’s drug misuse statistics release, with the Guardian, Star, Times, …
Today's leading stories include the launch of a national campaign to recruit 20,000 police officers, an announcement on future immigration and a High Court ruling on facial recognition. Police recruitment The launch of the campaign to recruit 20,000 additional police …
Today's leading story includes criticism from two police leaders on resources to combat county lines drugs gangs.
Today's Home Office stories include reports on the rise in adult use of crack cocaine and a report on into EU citizens’ rights post-Brexit.
Today's Home Office stories include a National Crime Agency report on 'county lines' and the latest on the Jack Shepherd extradition proceedings. County lines Widespread print coverage is given to a National Crime Agency report that claims as many as …