Home Office in the media: Thursday 12 July

...the detention of the father was unlawful as it breached both the department's policies and the father and daughter's right to family life. A Home Office spokesperson said: We try...
...the detention of the father was unlawful as it breached both the department's policies and the father and daughter's right to family life. A Home Office spokesperson said: We try...
Today’s Home Office in the media stories include the Home Secretary’s appearance in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee and a number of reports on medicinal cannabis.
...for asylum seekers The Guardian reports on concerns raised by charity Refugee Action that asylum seekers who are deemed to be facing imminent destitution are still being forced to wait...
...death of Dawn Sturgess. Trump’s visit President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK this week receives widespread coverage in the papers and on broadcast this morning. The Guardian reports on...
The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has issued the following statement on the Amesbury investigation, after it was announced that Dawn Sturgess had died. Home Secretary Sajid Javid said: The death of Dawn Sturgess is shocking and tragic news and I …
Today’s Home Office media stories include further coverage of the major incident in Amesbury and the ongoing debate around the medicinal use of cannabis.
The Home Secretary has announced that the Home Office will provide funding for specialist training so police call handlers can identify if a hate crime has been committed and the best way to respond. The funding is just one of a …
Today's Home Office stories include the major incident in Wiltshire and the sentencing of a women for Modern Slavery offences.
The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has issued the following statement on the Amesbury investigation, following confirmation from the police that two people were exposed to the nerve agent Novichok.