Home Office in the media: 28 July 2017

Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is largely focused on free movement post-Brexit and data on student migration. Home Secretary commissions MAC on EU migration There is further coverage of the...
Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is largely focused on free movement post-Brexit and data on student migration. Home Secretary commissions MAC on EU migration There is further coverage of the...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKop_vp8MPQ&feature=youtu.beLT Today’s Home Office related coverage largely focused on the MAC report on EU migration and anti-Semitic hate crime. Home Secretary commissions MAC on EU migration The Times, Telegraph, Independent,...
...by the Express says that control of “our borders” must include the ability to deport “foreign criminals”. The Telegraph notes that the criminal record checks would only cover serious crimes...
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on the rights of EU citizens post-Brexit and emergency support for asylum seekers.
This fact sheet aims to set out some of the key information in the EU citizens’ policy paper, published today.
Today (2 March), the Financial Times published an article (‘EU citizens face 85-page ‘nightmare’ Brexit Britain form) which detailed the experiences of EU nationals in the UK applying for permanent...
Today's Home Office-related news focuses on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK after we leave the European Union. Article 50 notification Bill The Home Secretary yesterday wrote...
...easier? All straightforward applications for documentation confirming permanent residency status continue to be processed within published service standards. The UKVI Service Standard is six months from date of application. This...