Home Office in the media blog: Monday 3 December

Today’s Home Office stories include the deportation of 49 people to Ghana and Nigeria, facial recognition technology and medicinal cannabis.
Today’s Home Office stories include the deportation of 49 people to Ghana and Nigeria, facial recognition technology and medicinal cannabis.
Today's Home Office stories include on the Home Secretary's apology for the Government unlawfully requiring DNA samples from people seeking to visit or stay in the UK. There are also stories on stop and search figures and medicinal cannabis.
Today’s Home Office media stories include specialist doctors being able to prescribe medicinal cannabis from next month; an inquiry into abuse at Brook House detention centre, and the Home Secretary confirming that there are no plans to remove the Tier …
Today’s Home Office in the media stories include the latest ONS crime statistics, the use of juvenile covert human intelligence sources, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs advice on medicinal cannabis and the Windrush compensation scheme.
Following the Home Secretary’s commission earlier this month, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has today (Thursday 19 July) published its short-term review on the scheduling of cannabis-derived medicinal products.
Today’s Home Office in the media stories include the Home Secretary’s appearance in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee and a number of reports on medicinal cannabis.