Home Office in the media: 7 March 2017

...LGA Fire Conference in Newcastle. Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy There is coverage of the Home Secretary’s appearance in front of the Joint Committee on the National Security...
...LGA Fire Conference in Newcastle. Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy There is coverage of the Home Secretary’s appearance in front of the Joint Committee on the National Security...
...on immigration post-Brexit There is coverage this morning of a Lords EU Home Affairs sub-committee report on immigration after Britain leaves the European Union. A Home Office spokesperson said: Once...
...to be in addition to the unaccompanied asylum seeking children that they are currently looking after and that the overall capacity to look after unaccompanied asylum seeking children would not...
Today's Home Office related news includes the authorisation of the new Taser model and the seizure of 600,000 live eels by Border Force officers. New Taser model authorised There...
Border Force officers have made dozens of seizures as part of Operation Thunderbird, a global INTERPOL-led operation tackling the illegal trade in wildlife and timber.
Today (2 March), the Financial Times published an article (‘EU citizens face 85-page ‘nightmare’ Brexit Britain form) which detailed the experiences of EU nationals in the UK applying for permanent...
Police to publish detailed data on Conductive Energy Device (CED) use for the first time. Strengthened reporting allows for the authorisation of new Taser X2 device to English and Welsh...
Today's Home Office related news includes the Policing Minister's response to a report by HMIC and an opinion piece from the Home Secretary. HMIC There is widespread coverage of a...
Red Box has today carried an opinion piece from the Home Secretary on the wide ranging work the Government is doing to support and resettle refugee children Amber Rudd, Home...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUPirIqzTIw&feature=youtu.be The Minister for Policing and the Fire Service, Brandon Lewis, has responded to a report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary on effectiveness of policing. Brandon Lewis, the Minister...
Home Office in the media is the Home Office's blog on the latest topical home affairs issues. It features a review of leading media stories, responses to breaking news, rebuttal to inaccurate reports, and ministerial comment.