Home Office in the media: Wednesday 16 October

Today's leading stories include reports on efforts to stop small boats crossing the English Channel and the release of hate crime statistics.
Today's leading stories include reports on efforts to stop small boats crossing the English Channel and the release of hate crime statistics.
Today, the Home Office has published hate crime statistics for 2018/2019.
Today's leading stories include drug misuse statistics, the recording of rape crimes, figures on football-related arrests, and a report into County Lines gangs. Drug statistics Widespread coverage is given to yesterday’s drug misuse statistics release, with the Guardian, Star, Times, …
Today's leading stories include stories on Prevent and free speech at universities, TOEIC students and cheating accusations, and transgender hate crime.
Today’s Home Office stories include further reports on hate crime and airport licensing.
Today’s Home Office stories include a reports on the Serious Organised Crime Strategy, hate crime, airport drinking review, and sulphuric laws.
Today’s Home Office media stories include the Hate Crime Action Plan, modern slavery, moped criminals and domestic abuse.
Today, Tuesday 16 October, the Home Office released statistics related to hate crime incidents in England and Wales. The statistics show that police recorded incidents of hate crime between April 2017 and March 2018 increased by 17%. Below is a …
Hate Crime Action Plan refresh Today, Tuesday October 16, the Home Office and Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government launched an update to its 2016 Hate Crime Action Plan. These new measures include: wide-ranging Law Commission review into hate …