Home Office in the media: 31 July 2017

Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is focused on new powers in the Criminal Finances Act, Border Force, forced marriages and the number of road traffic police officers.
Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is focused on new powers in the Criminal Finances Act, Border Force, forced marriages and the number of road traffic police officers.
Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is largely focused on free movement post-Brexit and data on student migration. Home Secretary commissions MAC on EU migration There is further coverage of the...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKop_vp8MPQ&feature=youtu.beLT Today’s Home Office related coverage largely focused on the MAC report on EU migration and anti-Semitic hate crime. Home Secretary commissions MAC on EU migration The Times, Telegraph, Independent,...
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes reporting of yesterday’s publication of Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) annual statistics on deaths during or following police contact.
The main stories relating to the Home Office this morning include the Metropolitan Police's announcement on providing new kit to officers in order to deal with acid attacks and a report in the Express on a lorry driver who was …
The main Home Office story in the media today has focused on Spice, the street name for a group of synthetic cannaboids, which was formally a so-called ‘legal high’ before being banned last year.
...by the Express says that control of “our borders” must include the ability to deport “foreign criminals”. The Telegraph notes that the criminal record checks would only cover serious crimes...
...there is considerable scope to improve efficiency. This Government is giving policing the tools to achieve this by increasing the size of the Police Transformation Fund to £175m in 2017/18....
...and girls. The 2016 Psychoactive Substances Act bans the sale (including online), supply, production and distribution of psychoactive substances such as spice; it gives police and local authorities greater powers...
The main Home Office stories in the media today relate to the arrests of three Britons in Calais who allegedly tried to fly four illegal immigrants into England, coverage of BBC analysis which shows that many criminal investigations are left …
Home Office in the media is the Home Office's blog on the latest topical home affairs issues. It features a review of leading media stories, responses to breaking news, rebuttal to inaccurate reports, and ministerial comment.