...provided funding to the Metropolitan Police for Operation Grange and the resources required are reviewed regularly with careful consideration given before any new funding is allocated. Sign up for email...
...the use of facial images. The Home Office can clarify that it is 20 million images on the Police National Database. These are not images of 20 million different people...
...Prevent strategy had achieved in safeguarding people from the threat of radicalisation. Commander Haydon was particularly critical of opponents who oppose Prevent no matter what and do not want the...
In the news today there are reports on police stop-and-search powers and the conviction of two people smugglers stopped by Border Force officers in Northern France.
...police had to recognise concerns that people from black and ethnic minority communities were being targeted disproportionately. Stop and search was damaging the relationship between the public and the police,...
Today, the Mail on Sunday’s front page reports nearly 400 stations with front counters allowing the public to talk face-to-face with officers have been shut down across England and Wales in less than ten years.
The main Home Office stories in the media today relate to the crime and police workforce statistics and the second round of EU negotiations.
...Wales and the British Transport Police. Minister for Policing and the Fire Service Nick Hurd said: Overall police funding has been protected in real terms since the Spending Review in...
Following reports in broadcast media, please find the Home Office’s response to changes to police use of force rules to increase transparency following the Shaw Review. A Home Office spokesperson said: Our police reforms have overhauled the previous cumbersome regime of …
Today's Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on the criminal justice system's response to stalking and harassment, further coverage around firefighter pay and reporting on new female genital mutilation figures.