Response to media reporting on landing cards
...conditions of entry. How many travellers/journeys will this affect each year? The latest published data for 2016 show that there were 16.2 million journeys made by non-European nationals across the...
...conditions of entry. How many travellers/journeys will this affect each year? The latest published data for 2016 show that there were 16.2 million journeys made by non-European nationals across the...
In the news today there are reports on police stop-and-search powers and the conviction of two people smugglers stopped by Border Force officers in Northern France.
...and through that the trust on which our system of policing in this country fundamentally relies. Effective use of stop and search is not about numbers – carrying out more...
News relevant to the Home Office today includes coverage of the four-week consultation on replacing landing cards and the future of the European Arrest Warrant. Landing cards consultation The Times has published a front page story about the Home Office …
News relevant to the Home Office today includes coverage of the announcement of a major forum of experts to tackle motorcycle crime, the evaluation of the Government's previous drugs strategy and terrorist content online.
...operational deployment of resources and the size of the police workforce are rightly a matter for Chief Constables, in association with Police and Crime Commissioners, but police forces continue to...
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes reports of the disruption of a major people smuggling operation, border security and police driving rules.
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures on deaths related to drugs and the guilty verdict in the so-called 'Three Musketeers' trial.
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes the news that 60 people have died in the UK since December after taking fentanyl, a Class A drug that is said to be nearly 50 times more potent than heroin. It also covers publication …
Today’s main Home Office-related coverage is focused on the Home Secretary's visit to Silicon Valley and the seizure of child-like sex dolls by Border Force.
Home Office in the media is the Home Office's blog on the latest topical home affairs issues. It features a review of leading media stories, responses to breaking news, rebuttal to inaccurate reports, and ministerial comment.