Today, Thursday 18 October, the Office for National Statistics released the latest quarterly crime statistics. The statistics show no change in overall levels of crime, but there have been rises in some types of theft and in some lower-volume but …
Participating in the meeting of interior ministers invited to Lyon as part of the G6 (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland), the Home Secretary, answered Le Monde’s questions on security, immigration and Brexit.
Today's Home Office stories include on crime levels, fire budgets and landlords' concern for citizens' rights to rent.
Today's Home Office stories include the launch of a new county lines coordination centre. with a ‘spike’ in the number of British girls married abroad against their will. The outlet states the number of girls being forced into marriage in the run-up to...
Today’s Home Office related stories include a report from NFU Mutual into the cost of rural crime, and the letter from the British Airways CEO on queues at Heathrow.
Today (Monday 30 July 2018) - the United Nations World Day against Trafficking in Persons - the Home Office has announced plans to launch an independent review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure our world-first legislation keeps in step …
Today’s Home Office media stories include the UK’s efforts to tackle violent crime and the Right to Rent Scheme.
Home Secretary, Amber Rudd today chaired the first Serious Violence Taskforce - a coalition of government ministers, cross-party MPs, police leaders, local government and the voluntary sector – which will ensure sustained, swift and decisive action against violent crime. Together …