Home Office in the media: 10 July 2017

Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on the rights of EU citizens post-Brexit and emergency support for asylum seekers.
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on the rights of EU citizens post-Brexit and emergency support for asylum seekers.
Following reports in broadcast media, please find the Home Office’s response to changes to police use of force rules to increase transparency following the Shaw Review. A Home Office spokesperson said: Our police reforms have overhauled the previous cumbersome regime of …
The Home Secretary has today written in Pink News to mark this year’s Pride celebrations in London. Amber Rudd said 2017’s event was ‘particularly poignant’ because it marked the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality. Her words …
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on terrorist funding and firearms licensing.
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage focuses on the new leave to remain policy for Grenfell Tower survivors, the number of convictions for terrorist offences related to activity overseas, and the jihadist jail for terrorists.
Today the Independent published an article (Grenfell Tower survivors could be deported in 12 months despite government immigration amnesty) following the announcement of a policy on leave to remain outside...
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced more than 40 projects across England and Wales will share around £17m in further funding to tackle violence against women and girls. The projects will carry out a range of activities including providing support …
...to protect a girl from FGM, extending the reach of extra territorial offences, creating civil FGM Protection Orders to ensure we are able to protect women and girls at the...
Today's Home Office related news coverage includes the seizure of 79 handguns by Border Force officers in Northern France, a report into the funding of extremism and the extension of...
...the Home Secretary that has been published in the Guardian calling for the immediate release of a report into deaths in police custody. The report by Dame Elish Angiolini will...
Home Office in the media is the Home Office's blog on the latest topical home affairs issues. It features a review of leading media stories, responses to breaking news, rebuttal to inaccurate reports, and ministerial comment.