Today's Home Office related coverage includes yesterday's publication of the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration report on east coast ports and of the written ministerial statement on the Home Office's internal review of extremist funding in the UK.
Today's Home Office-related media coverage includes a Cabinet Office audit of racial disparities in public services and the Government's post-Brexit immigration proposals.
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on the rights of EU citizens post-Brexit and emergency support for asylum seekers.
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage includes articles focusing on terrorist funding and firearms licensing.
Today’s Home Office-related media coverage focuses on the new leave to remain policy for Grenfell Tower survivors, the number of convictions for terrorist offences related to activity overseas, and the jihadist jail for terrorists. protect a girl from FGM, extending the reach of extra territorial offences, creating civil FGM Protection Orders to ensure we are able to protect women and girls at the...
Today's Home Office related news coverage includes the seizure of 79 handguns by Border Force officers in Northern France, a report into the funding of extremism and the extension of...
...the Home Secretary that has been published in the Guardian calling for the immediate release of a report into deaths in police custody. The report by Dame Elish Angiolini will...
Today's Home Office related news coverage includes a National Audit Office report into online fraud, the potential deportation of a foreign national offender and a letter sent by the Police Federation regarding the standards of police officers driving to emergency incidents.
Today’s Home Office-related coverage includes the Prime Minister’s proposal of a “major national investigation” into cladding on buildings, the introduction by the government of new measures to protect women and girls from crimes committed overseas as part of its Domestic …