Home Secretary: 'We will not be complacent on hate crime'

Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Maulana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, the Grand Imam of Badshahi Mosque The Home Secretary has written in this week's Eastern Eye about her visit...
Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Maulana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, the Grand Imam of Badshahi Mosque The Home Secretary has written in this week's Eastern Eye about her visit...
...platforms. The Mail, Independent, Sun, Telegraph and Guardian all highlight that the companies have now committed to creating a cross-industry forum to tackle the danger of terrorist propaganda online, as...
Today's Home Office news coverage includes the triggering of Article 50 and comments around how technology companies deal with online extremist content.
Today’s news coverage includes the signing of the letter triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, signalling the UK's intention to leave the European Union, and a protest at Stansted airport.
Today’s Home Office-related news coverage includes reports that the government is seeking views on introducing direct entry recruitment at chief police officer level in England and Wales and articles on the Home Secretary’s appearance at the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting …
...last week's attack. The Metropolitan Police are giving regular updates on the investigation into last week's terrorist attack in Westminster. For the latest please visit the Metropolitan Police Twitter page....
...to help themselves. The horror of this latest terrorist incident, just a few days ago, will stay with us, too, long after the police tape has disappeared, long after the...
...a member of the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command. It is impossible to fully describe the debt of gratitude we owe to him. I want to express my heartfelt condolences...
There is continued blanket media coverage of Wednesday's terrorism incident in Westminster.
...our priorities and capabilities meet today’s threats and are also flexible enough to meet potential new challenges over the coming years. Recent developments The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 provides law...